
I. 流程採用麥肯錫 7-step problem solving methodology
Step1 蒐集資訊來確定影響範圍
Step2 拆解問題並提出各種初步假設以建立問題架構
Step3 根據影響大小和效率高低列優先順序
Step4 找出最符合達成目標的資源分配組合
Step5 找出各種根據事實背景而非經驗認知上的最簡化辦法
Step6 把發現的結果組織成有意義的故事
Step7 讓需要採取行動的人認同建議的做法

II. 態度上要站在最高的角度有助於避免見樹不見林(Top management approach) 且能提出公正的建議
III. 找找切入點開始定義問題
      Type A: 搞清楚自己探詢這個問題的目的,希望得到甚麼結論或解決那些問題
      Type B: 由母體的某種特徵A,與A之外的特徵進行歸納,例如變更或忽略任何一個S都會影響整體:
Strategy: Beat the competitor
Structure: Org-chart
System: Resource and Precedure to do the work
Shared value: determine the way people work and solve problems
Style: Leadershop-adopted style
Staff: Capabilities of the employees
Skill: Competencies of all employees


IV. 從最初就就思考快速解決問題的方法


V. 將問題拆解成決策樹

(1) 大問題要涵蓋所有事情 A Big Question must Encompass ALL Issues
     Type I: 為什麼樹 Why’s tree > lead to Root Cause
     Type II: 如何樹 How’s tree > lead to Implementable Actions
(2) 寫下來 More papers, include all opinions, irrespective of how diverse or relevant they may seem to be
(3) 以不重複且總和來看沒有遺漏任何要項為目標,重新組織成邏輯樹狀圖,並透過與人討論來改善或完備這張圖 Restructure to a tree: Avoid Duplication and Vagueness based on MECE principle and Socialize and improve it to see the blind spots of ourselves
(4) 細項推演到大結論思考會怎樣嗎?(So what),大結論去細分到小項目時思考為什麼會這樣?(Why so?)



A. 題材感人 Emotional Engagement Story Source: Your Personal Stories > Family & friends stories > Industry specific/news > Books/Audio Books > Web
B. 邏輯環繞的重點 Logic: Question(Point) –> Story(Point) –> Presentation Format(Point)
C. 用字遣詞Terms:
   時間Time words : Go at the beginning or end of a sentence.
   時態 Did/Can this change? Yes>use Past Tense  No>use Present Tence (for things that do not change)
   誰說Somebody Said, “[Original Words]”

VII.讓人獲益良多的簡報 WIIFM(What Is It For Me?) Presentation

(1) 外觀和聲音使人安心 Give a confident introduction : to let the audiens feel safe

A. Do not “show” your nervousness.
B. Stand STILL: don’t move/pace, keep your hands at your sides
e.g. Hi! (inflection down) My name is Winston. (inflection down)

(2) 透過專業感取信於聽眾 Give your credentials statement : Short elevator speech

A. What can you do for me?
B. Why you are the best person to deliver this presentation?
C. What can you offer me?

Original: I help people overcome their fear of public speaking and deliver amazing presentations
Problem->Solution:  You know how some people have a fear of public speaking and have a hard time gettings their message across in a presentation? Well I help them overcome their fear of public speaking and deliver amazing presentations.

(3) 丟出讓聽眾相信聽完簡報能使自己更快樂/成功/自由的魚餌 Deliever your hook : To get your audience FEEL something

A.3 Choices: You can get them feel more happy (advantages), successful(expert) and free(won’t worry about wasting time) to listen to you.
B.The practical: Write down words “I’m going to show you…” and then fill in the rest with something that’s going to create more happiness, success, or freedom for your audience
C. 1 Rule: You can’t tell them WHAT they are going to get until you’ve told them WHY they would want it.  Your hook has to be something that gets them to BELIEVE that they want what you’re going to give them.
D. 1 Action : Write down right now: “WHY your presentation will make your audience more happy, successful or freedom in their life.

e.g.and today I’m going to show you how to captivate your audience within the first 5 minutes of your presentation.

(4) 用簡報大綱但不同口語簡述簡報目的 Introduce your agenda : PowerPoint Agenda slide : To show your audience the takeaways for your presentation

A.Don’t read the slide, give them a moment to read and introduce your agenda by summarizing what you’ll be doing.
B. Mentioning the number of takeaways you’ll be giving them, and paraphrasing the goal of your presentation.

e.g. I’m going to show you 5 steps to deliver a killer opener.

(5) 提到相關或容易激起興趣的數據 Give a Credible statement :

A. Giving relevant or compelling data to your audience to support your message.
B. To let the audience feel: “Woo! This guy knows what he’s talking about!”

e.g. You probably already know   that delivering great presentation is critical to advance your carreer, but did you know that research says that most adaults will stop listening to your presentation    within the first 10 minutes(inflection down)   if they aren’t convinced there’s something in it for them? (inflection up)

(6) GO!

A.Practice 3 times
B.Practice once before the presentation
C.Use 90% of your brain for the audience, and 10% for the contents


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