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- Aug 14 Tue 2012 14:26
PING 指令詳解
- Aug 08 Wed 2012 22:41
心理動力淺論 - 從教養孩子、領導部屬到學會自制力
- Aug 06 Mon 2012 23:42
- Aug 04 Sat 2012 13:45
- Jul 21 Sat 2012 14:23
中文 | |
到這邊還有沒有問題? | Any questions so far? |
我自己有研究過 | I studied on my own. |
這樣算是人身攻擊耶 | It's really insulting. |
你這懶蟲! 快起來! | You maggot! Get going. |
你到底在哪? | Wherever you are? |
他把我們都弄糊塗了 | He's messing with our heads. |
他的提案只是一場騙局 | His plan is nothing but smoke and mirror! |
這一幕很有爭議性 | The scene is very controversial. |
你投注了全部精力在上面對嗎? | You went all out on that one, huh? |
我忙到沒時間找朋友 | I don't have time for friends. |
我現在沒空跟你玩啦! / 我沒時間顧及這個 | I don't have time for this. |
這對我來說不是個問題 | It's not a problem for me. |
我們之間的關係有點像同事 | We were more or less like colleagues. |
我幾乎把我的學生當同事一樣對待 | I treat my students more or less like colleagues. |
我明天就遞辭呈 | I'll give my notice tomorrow. |
今天我休假 | It's my day off. |
我今天不該待在這邊 | I am not supposed to be here today. |
不該是這樣結束的 | It wasn't supposed to go down like this. |
記得要小心 保持低調 | Remember, be subtle. Keep low profile! |
諷刺意味很濃厚 | It's very sarcastic. |
如果你有問題記得一定要來問我 | If you have questions,be sure to ask me. |
那我們禮拜一見囉! | I'll see you Monday then! |
所以你是來炫耀的嗎? | So, you're here to pick up the trophy? |
他超想得冠軍 | He wants the championship trophy very badly. |
給我隨便來一杯 | You call it. |
那個誰誰誰 | What-do-you-call-it? |
怎麼了?你沒事吧? | What's going on? Are you all right? |
這部電影周末開出五百萬元票房 | The movie grossed 5 million dollars on the weekend. |
這是票房毒藥 | It was a box office disaster. |
我們還剩25分鐘 | We have 25 minutes left. |
只要消化思索一下 你會懂的 | You can digest and think about it,you'll pick it up |
他在流口水 | He's drooling. |
別一直念你這英國豬 | Stop tailgating me you pasty teabag! |
說出所有你知道的 | Spill your guts! |
把不懂的地方畫線 | Underline something that you might not understand. |
他有過敏 | He has allergies. |
他對什麼過敏? | What is he allergic to? |
他對芝麻過敏 | He is allergic to sesame seeds. |
別說髒話 | Don't use vulgar language. |
他說話好白癡 | He sounds like an idiot. |
你連個小孩都搞不定? | You can't even handle a kid? |
我嚇傻了 / 我大吃一驚 | It's totally shocked. |
準備好了 / 有了! | Good to go! |
我準備好了 | I'm good to go. |
給你 | Here you go! / Here you are. |
我們要開始囉! / 找到了 | Here we go! |
你這樣做就對了!/你說的沒錯!/好了! | There you go! |
你又來了! | Here we go again! / There you go again! |
我起的頭我會把他搞定 | If I started it,I'll finish it! |
期待能聽到你的回音 | Look forward to hearing form you. |
很高興能和你共事 | Look forward to working with you. |
我喜歡去兜風 | I love to go for a ride. |
我們去兜兜風 | Let's take a little ride. |
這是我希望你做的 | This is that I hope you can do. |
她剛說啥 | What she has said? |
對,正是如此! | Yes,exactly! |
依我拙見 | In my humble opinion,.. |
它是冷盤 | It's served cold.=It's eaten cold. |
你可以先查字典 | You can do some dictionary works. |
我下次會仔細研討 | I'll go through it the next time. |
大家翻到第四頁 | Everybody take a look on page 4. |
你最近常下什麼類型的音樂 | What kind of music you downloaded most recently? |
這蠻符合我的個性的 | It's partially fit my personality. |
他只是謙虛啦 | He's being modest. |
我對這東西很感興趣 | I alwayss get into it. |
那我這麼說好了 | Let me put in this way. |
從我很小的時候開始我就 | Since I was a kid,I… |
那倒未必 | Not necessarily. |
在更多情況下 | In more cases,… |
發生了這麼多事情 | There's so much going on. |
你到底是誰? | Who the hell are you? |
突然間 | All of a sudden,… |
诶那不是…? | Isn't that…? |
你不這樣認為嗎? | Don't you think? |
這邊clothes是當可數名詞 | I'll treat clothes as a count noun here. |
我超常去那邊 | I go there often enough. |
你怎麼用英文解釋 | How can/do you describe it? |
他們有什麼? | What is it served with? |
那一家好吃嗎? | How is/was it cooked/served/made? |
你要嘗嘗這個,味道像是 | You gotta try this,kind of.. |
我不吃榴槤 | Something I can't eat is durian. |
我受不了那種味道 | The smell hit me. |
那是為什麼? 我不知道 你當然知道 | Why is that? I don't know. Of course you do. |
他喝得很醉 | He was so drunk. |
他幾乎沒辦法站穩 | He can barely stand. |
那邊有一家很高級的餐廳 | It's a higher-end restaurant right there. |
你如果在那邊待得夠久 | If you were there long enough,.. |
那邊的料理很鹹 | The food there is salty. |
有誰能告訴我新聞重點的概要嗎? | Can someone give me a rundown on the main point of news? |
你能想像那個畫面嗎? | Can you imagine that? |
他是個大蒐藏家 | He is a big collecter. |
像剛剛Jack提到的 | Like Jack mentioned.. |
接近但不完全是 | Close,but not entirely. |
很接近了 但感覺還是不一樣 | It's close, but not quite the same. |
讓我想起十年前發生在我身上事情 | It reminds of something that happened to me 10 years ago. |
這首歌勾起你什麼回憶? | What does this song remind you of? |
你也許可以問說 | A question that you might ask: |
有沒有什麼類型的音樂你特別喜歡呢? | Any particular kind of music that you like? |
你常看漫畫嗎 | Do you ever read comic? |
你曾看過漫畫嗎 | Have you ever read comic? |
好幾年沒見,最近在哪邊高就? | I haven't seen you in ages.What have you been doing recently? |
其實很少 我的工作常讓我分身乏術 | Not much.You know,mywork uasually keeps me pretty busy. |
他最後就住在台北 | He ended up living Taipei. |
這個字你怎麼拼? | How do you spell "the word"? |
我們連個影子都沒看到 | We can't see a thing! |
那時候天要黑了 / 要天黑了 | It was getting dark. |
我們根本不知道身處何方 | We were in the middle of nowhere! |
快把我們給嚇死了 | We scared to death. |
滾開,妳這拜金的婊子 | Got lost,you gold-digger! |
我可以摸你的狗嗎? | Can I pat your dog? |
沒什麼是一成不變的 | Nothing is set in stone. |
在義大利為了顯示身分 遲到個幾分鐘是可以被接受的 | In Italy,it's acceptable to be fashionably late. |
他不斷重複地說著一樣的話 | He kept repeating the same phrases all the time. |
開始試著不要做 | Try start avoiding doing this. |
我喜歡你的Style | I like your thing! |
穿的好看一點 | You have to be presentable. |
你用好之後拿給他 | When you're done,please give it to him. |
我有十年沒見過他了 | I hadn't seen him for 10 years. |
我朋友正好在那裏 | A friend of mine just happened to be there. |
你要告訴我們 | You gonna tell us. |
我們來試試看 | So,let's give it a shot! |
你有壞習慣嗎? | Do you have a bad habit? |
我相信你啦 | I'll take your word for it! |
我將永遠不再相信你的話 | I'll never take you at your word. |
當他說他可以的時候我相信了他的話 | I took him at his word when he said he could do it. |
我一直滑下山 | I keep going down the hill |
他的額頭縫了幾針 | He got stitch on his forehead. |
這是最近上映的電影 | It's a recent movie. |
當時這看起來是個不錯的主意 | It seemed to be a good idea at the time. |
他的自尊心受到很大的打擊 | His pride was badly hurt. |
他像雪球一樣滾下來 | He was rolling down as a snow ball. |
所以然後咧 | Then,what? |
他昏倒了 / 他沒有意識了 | He's out.=He is not conscious. |
讓你的聽眾參與 | Keep your listener engaged. |
該起床囉! | Rise and shine! |
今天早上我懶得起床 | I couldn't bother to get up this morning. |
他說過一句名言… / 他的口頭禪是… | One of his famous line is "" |
用何種方式 | In what way? |
你如果說…會比較有禮貌 | You can be more polite to say "". |
…是什麼意思? | What does "" means? |
你自己先研究過 | Do some rearch on your own. |
你想移民去哪邊? | Where would you like to go/to live aboard? |
你想去歐洲的哪裡? | Where in Europe you want to go? |
如果沒變的話你會在那邊住多久? | If there was no change like this, how long would you live there? |
你去過那些洲 | Which countries have you been to? |
你最喜歡去台灣的哪裡玩? | What's your favorite place in Taiwan to visit? |
我從沒離開亞洲 | I never been out of Asia. |
換算成台幣要多少錢? | How much cost in Taiwan dollar? |
歡迎其他人的時候點頭是很常見的方式 | It's common for people to nod their heads when they greet someone. |
不用找了 | Keep the change. |
給計程車司機小費不太尋常 | Tipping cab driver is out of the ordinary. |
沒什麼特別的東西 | Nothing out of the ordinary. |
我不知道這是什麼 | I don't know what it is. |
你懂我在說什麼嗎? | You know what I'm saying? |
他說話太直了 | He is far direct. |
人們將會鄙視你 | People will look down on you. |
這個觀念很敏感 | The concept is very sensitive. |
將採取什麼行動? | What is being done? |
你可以猜猜看是什麼意思 | You can guess what it means. |
那就是我來這裡的原因 | That's what I here for. |
真是無與倫比 | There is nothing like it! |
這次相信我 | Trust me on this one. |
他做的沒我好 | He does better than I do. |
我配不上她 | I am not good enough for her. |
這只是冰山一角 | This is just the tip of the iceburg. |
好我們開始吧 | OK!Let's going on! |
這樣也可以啦 | It's OK to be that way. |
你的車報失竊了嗎 | Has your car been reported stolen? |
老實說我真的記不起來了 | I honestly can't remember. |
我邀她吃晚餐 | I had her over for dinner. |
我覺得你不那麼喜歡耶 | I got a feeling you're not really like that. |
你講得真有點道理 | You do have a point. |
眼見為憑 | Seeing is believeing. |
你是一個怎樣的人 | What are you like? |
我覺得法律應該要規定 | A law should be passed that says… |
每個人都應該要被要求去 | Everyone should be made/required/forced to.. |
如果你沒投票你會被罰錢 | You'll get fined if you don't vote. |
他刷爆了 | He went over his credit limit. |
我要出去走走 | I'll be going around. |
他們不想被解雇 | They don't want to be unemployeed. |
你知道有多簡單嗎 | You know how easy it was? |
他們怎麼有辦法做這麼好 | How can they do so well? |
他故意的 | He did it on purpose. |
你會錯過什麼 | What things would/wouldn't you miss? |
我來跟你簡要說明一下 | Let me give you a rundown. |
這是一種很有效的練習 | It's a very useful exercise. |
還蠻有趣的 | That's quite intersting. |
就像其他人一樣 | Just like everybody else. |
這很難解釋耶 | It's really hard to explain. |
如果是我的話我會這樣說 | …,I woud say. |
你有聽過...嘛? | You've ever heard...? |
那是我唯一聽過的一次 | That's the only time I ever heard. |
我們剛剛已經說過了 | We just cover that. |
他們沒幹走其他貴重物品 | They didn't take anything else of value. |
她穿得很暴露 | She wears very revealing. |
結果原來是 | It turns out that… |
我不知道那是真的假的 | I don't know if it is true or not. |
我連那是什麼都不知道! | I don't even know what that is! |
那是我個人的選擇啦 | That's just my personal option. |
它變成固定用法了 | It caught on / stuck / become common. |
他突然打給我 | He called me out of blue. |
你有染髮嗎 | Did you dye your hair? |
我看到殘骸 | I saw the wreck. |
你剛刮到了你的車 | You just scrape your car. |
我的車擦撞到卡車 | I scraped pass the truck with my car. |
所以我們趕快把它完成吧 | So let's do it quick. |
很好,繼續 | OK,keep going. |
我希望你還沒吃過 | I hope you haven't eaten yet. |
那就是我聽到的 | That's what I heard for. |
他們怎麼會在一起 | How they came together. |
正如你說的 | As you are saying,… |
所以有幫助嗎 | So that helped? |
你騎單車嗎 | Do you cycle? |
找母語人士練習 | See native speaker to practice with. |
情勢對他不利 | The odds against him. |
他完全復原的機率很低 | His chances of making a full recovery were not good. |
他接受了治療 | He underwent treatment. |
你能做些什麼 | What can you do about it? |
現在已經沒辦法挽救了 | Nothing we can do about it now. |
絕對有辦法挽救 | There is something we can do about it! |
馬上舉手讓我停下來 | Raise your hands right away to stop me. |
這是學習過程的一部分 | It's a part of learning process. |
我情不自禁的想如果 | I can't help myself but think what if… |
在2010年有人做了一項研究 | In the year 2010,a research was done by… |
至今還在繼續 | …and contines to do so. |
讓我打兩個比方 | Let me draw two analogies. |
另外一個比方就是 | And another anology we can use is of a… |
但如果..我們就很可能.. | Whereas if…,we're much more likely to … |
但與現在的情形很相似 | But the situation is rather similar today. |
但這只是一個方面 | However,that's only part of the picture. |
幫助他們認清自身 | Helping them identify who they really are. |
大學不應閉關修行 | Celibacy does not suit a university. |
就像一個上升螺旋 | … in an upward spiral. |
讓我來告訴你們這是為什麼 | And here is why. |
卻沒什麼用 | … with very little effect. |
很多情況下 | And very often,… |
如果在這裡投票我敢保證很多人會說 | If I had to do a poll here,most people,guaranteed,would say,"" |
又有多少人知道 | How many people know that, |
我們從此之後就過著快快樂樂的生活 | and then we will all live happily ever after. |
情況惡化了 | The situation worsened. |
我們必須去順應它.把它考慮進去 | We need to conform to it,take it into consideration. |
讓我舉一個研究的例子來說明我的意思 | Let me share with you one study to illustrate what I mean. |
他的文章最後是這樣收尾的 | He ends this paper with the folling quote: |
有反例說明了 | There is a counter-evidence that shows… |
大多數人是這樣,但不是所有人 | Majority were,but not all. |
我常告訴我自己我是做這件事情的不二人選 | I often say that I'm the right person to … |
我想引用一下他們的話 | Let me quote you what they said,… |
他想表達的意思是 | What he's saying is that… |
人類潛能的極限事實上一職都沒有完全挖掘出來 | The highest possibility of human nature has practically always been underrated. |
當然,顯而易見的是 | Certainly,it seems more and more clear that… |
你看出他這段話的用意了嗎 | You see the implications of what he's saying here? |
他們真正地改變了自己和周遭人的生活 | They have literally transformed their lives and the lives of those aroud them. |
我承認自己是這種人 | I admit I fall into this category. |
我招了! / 好啦我承認! | I admit it. |
那是菁英論嗎 | Is that elitist? |
那會有幫助嗎 | Would that be helpful? |
結果令人震驚 | The reults were shocking. |
還是毫無差別 | No difference whatsoever. |
稍等,馬上好 | One second,I'm almost done. |
你可能會得到C免強通過 | You might scrape by with a C. |
這是我多年努力工作的目標 | This is something that I've been working on for many years. |
你現在心情怎樣? | How are you feeling? |
會,一陣子,但並不常 | Yes,for a while,but not for long. |
一旦滿足了基本需求收入就不再對幸福產生什麼影響了 | Once those needs are met,income makes very little difference. |
你們對此都很有同感對吧 | You were certain of that,right? |
接著,事情突然開始變化了 | And then suddenly things begin to change. |
我們太嬌生慣養了 | How spoiled we get here. |
剔除這些極端情況後 | Beyond the extremes, |
我降低我的期望水平 | I lower my levels of expectation. |
一輩子都改變不了 | Not in our live time. |
他是什麼的重要支柱之一 | It's the most important pillar of… |
如果你走神了,只需將注意力帶回到呼吸上 | If your mind wanders,simply bring it back to your breathing. |
他下巴縫了三針 | He got three stitches in his chin. |
搞定! | All set! |
我感冒了 | I have a cough. |
我不是一個購物狂 | I'm not a big shopper. |
他穿藍色素色上衣 | He wore a solid blue top. |
你手肘沒事嗎 | How is your elbow? |
很痛嗎? | Does it hurt? |
之後會好一點啦 | It will get better. |
啥風格的? | What's in style? |
你穿什麼比較好看 | What looks good on you? |
你穿起來很好看 / 你戴起來很好看 | Looks good on you. |
她穿得很保守 | She dresses very conservatively. |
他們是兩個很有趣的角色 | They are two very interesting characters. |
有時候一雙鞋子就夠了 | Sometimes one pair of shoes is enough. |
我有四雙喬丹鞋 | I have four pairs of Jordans'. |
我沒做造型,只是簡單修一修 | I didn't got haircut. I just got a trim. |
我請髮型師幫我修我的瀏海 | I had my bangs trimmed by the stylist/hairdresser. |
我不喜歡後面/前面/旁邊 | I don't like my back/front/sides. |
直到我看到標價 | …until I saw the price tag. |
我們不會承認的 | We won't admit it! |
它們不合你的腳 | They don't fit your feet. |
它們的做工沒有很好 | They're not well-made. |
你有長水泡嗎 | Do you get blisters? |
希望你你沒有感染 | Hope you don't get infections. |
我認為舒服是最重要的 | I think comfort is No.1. |
這是垃圾! | It is crap! |
我不喜歡採買衣服 | I don't like cloth shopping. |
每當我伸進口袋拿錢包時 | Everytime I reach my poket and pull off my wallet,I … |
你在豪洨我嗎? | Are you shitting me? |
你在豪洨我吧 | You have (got) to be shitting me. |
你在開我玩笑吧 | You've gotta be kidding me! |
你去問他然後下次告訴我們 | Ask him and tell us next time. |
我受不了那個節目 | I can't stand that show. |
它們都高於膝蓋 | They are all above the knees. |
…要怎麼說 | How can you describe ...? |
或許你可以說… | Maybe a … you can say. |
怎麼個大膽法 | In what way "daring"? |
不常也不全然是耶 | Not often! Not really! |
我不喜歡塞衣服到褲子裡面 | I don't like to tuck in my shirt / tuck my shirt in. |
我還蠻喜歡它的 | I kind of like it. |
原價太貴了 | At the full price it's far too dear. |
所以怎麼了嗎 | So, what's going on? |
他怎麼想 | What does he think? |
你不覺得這件很適合你嗎 | Don't you think it's good on you? |
你不覺得那件比較好嗎 | Don't you think that might be better? |
我們期待地說:好啊 | We expect to say "Yes!" |
它們不是很不錯嘛 | Aren't they great? |
你不覺得我們應該要再看一下再做決定嗎 | Don't you think we should look around a bit more? |
他比兩個我還強 | He is at least two of me. |
我做不完全部啦 | I can't finish it all! |
你可能會得心臟病 | You may have a heart attack. |
我想給你看一段影片 | I want to show you a video. |
讓我把這個東西打開 | Let me turn this thing on. |
它們有家字幕嗎 | Are they subtitled? |
確實有時候會發生 | That happens! |
這個要怎麼用? | How does this work? |
它運轉很好 | It works very well. |
幫我拿一下 | Hold on for a second. |
等一下先別掛 | Hold on a sec. |
他叫我先別掛 | He put me on hold. |
他掛我電話 | Hung up on me. |
他們害怕被取代 | They're afraid of being replaced./ gotten be replaced. |
把燈關掉 | Turn the lights off. |
她還不足五歲 | She is not enough 5 years old. |
他拿到一模一樣的東西嗎 | He's got something the same? |
所以這就是他做的 | So that's what he does. |
真巧啊! | It's incredible! |
超屌的 | It's absolutely incredible! |
我猜你要查的單字應該是 | I think the word you're searching for is… |
一次不要讀太多 | Don't read too much at one time. |
你真的可以學到很多 | You can really learn a lot. |
我還在宿醉 | I've got a hangover. |
你宿醉都怎麼處理 | What did you do for hangovers? |
不過那邊的食物也沒什麼特別的 | Nothing special in the food though. |
在某些文化這種行為是被允許的 | In some culture it's ok to do that. |
不禮貌的行為會讓我不爽 | Bad manners offend me. |
因國而異 | It differs from culture to culture. |
我要把鞋子脫掉嗎 | Should I take my shoes off? |
你有潔癖嗎 | Are you a clean/neat freak? |
他做了個即席演講 | He gave the speech off the top of his head. |
他和閣員辯論失業問題 | He debated with cabinet about unemployment. |
你知道最有趣的是什麼嗎 | You know the funniest thing is? |
後來他覺得不舒服 | He felt sick afterwards. |
我必須要走了 | I gotta go. / I gotta be going on./ I gotta run. |
我希望你能試試看 | I want you to give it a shot. |
你有為了…請假嗎 | Do you have the day off for… |
它的膽固醇很高 | It's high in cholesterol. |
亮色太引人注目 | Bright color attract too much attention. |
你的上衣和這些褲子很搭 | Your top goes very well with those pants. |
我當時以為已經結束了 | I thought that was the end. |
不是,另外一件上衣 | No,the other top. |
他覺得OK嗎 | Is he OK with that? |
這套衣服其他人穿可能會不好看 | They may looks bad on other people. |
比起亮色她更喜歡穿暗色的衣服 | She likes (to wear) dark colors more than bright colors. |
我穿亮色不好看 | I don't look good in bright color. |
這些衣服和我的型不搭 | They don't suit me very well. |
過的一般般 | In a middle. |
戳瞎她眼睛 | Stab her in her eyes. |
萬一他在這邊 | In case he's here,… |
依我看 | In my opinion,… |
他幾歲 | How old is he? |
他很沒安全感 | She is so insecure. |
真的很感謝 | I am really appreciate that. |
給我一個趴數 | Give me a percent. |
看有很多對話的影片 | Watch films with lots of dialouge. |
我很HOT她 | I really fancy her. |
有什麼想法嗎? | Any guesses? |
我看看能不能再給你們更多細節 | Let me see if I can get you a little bit more detail about that. |
但是世界上還是有很多不可思議的相似點 | But there're also some incredible similarities across the planet. |
全世界的人類都關心這個問題 | All the human beings in the universe care about this. |
…隨處可見 | …are everywhere you look. |
所以我們理所當然想知道他們如何運作的 | So it make sense that we want to know a little about how they work. |
你怎麼知道...的事? | How do you know about …? |
這是眾所周知的 | That's something we all know about that. |
很遺憾但我必須要說 | …(that) I'm sorry to say,… |
這可意義深遠了 | Well that's profound. |
你知道…從沒遇過什麼事嗎? | You know what never happened to …? |
從來沒有人對…說 | Nobody would asked to … |
每個人都會對我說… | Everybody comes up to me and says that… |
每個人對於…都有自己的看法 | Everyone has something to say about … |
問題是這些人對…的看法往往各不相同 | The problem is what people have to say about… often disagrees with each other. |
我們應該深入探討產生分歧的原因嗎 | Should we diving in the thing we disagree about? |
這個重要嗎? | Does it matter? |
這真的很重要 | It's kind of matters. |
他的婚姻在崩潰的邊緣 | His marrige is on the rocks. |
這些問題都非同小可 | Those are kind of important questions. |
我們應該怎麼判斷哪些是正確的 | How will we ever decide what is true? |
我們可能沒辦法回答這裡的所有問題 | We may not be able to answer them all. |
但我們可以盡我們所能地接近真實的情況 | But let's get closer at best as we can. |
那可能比較適用於大眾 | That might apply to lots of people. |
這是今天要講的內容 | That's what today is about. |
不,不是這樣的 | No,that's not what it means. |
…,我來就…多說幾句 | …,let me say one more thing about constructs. |
這個過程叫做… | The process of doning so is called operationalization. |
你聽懂了嗎 | Does it make sense? |
這完全沒道理啊! | That doesn't make any sense! |
你…的次數越少,你就越健康 | The fewer time you… , the healther you are. |
這其中存在某種關係 | There's an implication of this. |
也許你們有人是這樣的 | Maybe it already occurred you. |
我們今天就以…為例吧 | Let's use … as our example today. |
我除了問你外毫無辦法 | I basically have no choice but ask you. |
但有時它們是很有效的 | But sometimes they do the job. |
妳可以將它發布在世界性雜誌中 | You can publish them in cosmopolitan magzine. |
你可以在底下給自己打分數 | You can score yourself at the bottom. |
這雖然很好但...還是有一些問題存在 | Which is fine, but the problem is that there're disadvantages to … |
這個領域有個概念叫… | There's a concept in this field called… |
我還能做什麼 | What else could I do? |
稍後我再詳細說明 | I'll be able to talking about it a lot later on. |
收到和回應花多少時間 | How much time does it takes between receipt of… and your reponse. |
很好,非常細心 | Nice,that's very subtle. |
你知道嗎每當你做這些事的時候我都覺得是一種獎勵 | You know when the time you did that things that I found very rewarding. |
你懷疑嗎 | Do you have problem with that? |
我們有很多觀察對象 | There's a lot of things we can observe. |
觀察的方向也很多樣 | There's a lot of directions we can go. |
當然…也有利弊優劣 | And … also have pros and cons,advantages and disadvantages. |
妳不能在人們毫不知情下做研究 | You are not allowed to study people without them knowing it. |
我們能做的是降低代價 | All we can do is try to minimize the costs. |
我們的義務是什麼 | What are our obligations? |
你的另一伴哪一點最讓你惱火 | What irrtates you about your partner? |
我們在道德上有義務保證 | We have an ethical obligation to make sure that… |
針對任何有歷史使命感的人類 | …for all human beings with any sense of historical urgency. |
團結起來想要拯救… | …bring them together with a mission of saving… |
你是否贊成這個…與此無關 | Whether or not you agree with the … is beside the point,… |
確切來說, | Positively speaking,… |
確定無疑 | …,no less than this. |
我已經期待好久了 | I have been looking forward to it for a long time. |
突然.. | … rather suddenly. |
慢慢地你會 | Increasingly,you will… |
沒有選擇的餘地/你在異想天開 | Slim pickings |
真的假的? | You fucking serious? |
真的假的啊 | You don't say. |
讓事情辦簡單點 | So help me… |
為了成全 | ...for the sake of… |
他說了什麼 | What did he say? |
你仍未脫離險境 | You ate not out of the woods yet. |
我要再吃一份餐後甜點 | I'll have extra helpings on my dessert. |
他用其他方式進行釋放 | What he do is he focus it in some other way. |
生活在父親權威下的男生可能會恨或想傷害他爸 | A boy who's bullied by his father may hate his father and want to hurt him. |
你可以再說一次嗎 / 你說什麼? | I beg your pardon? / Beg pardon? |
要我說幾便都可以 | You can beg all you like. |
我不會耽誤妳太多時間 | I won't take you long. |
能再給我一次機會嗎 | Could I have another shot? |
你會說英文嗎 | Do you speak English? |
你喜歡哪種音樂 | What kind of music are you into? |
不然這樣好了 | Tell me what. |
然後我們就扯平了 | … and we call it even. |
所以我想把話講清楚好了 | …so I'm going to be very explicit here. |
這會花很多時間耶 | It will take considerable amount of the times. |
你花了多少錢 | How much that cost? |
喔哇~這不得了耶 | Oh~Wow~This is huge. |
我剛只是在耍你的 | I'm just messing with you. |
我想到要怎麼做了 | I know exactly how. |
好~數到三 | All right~On three. |
聽我喊 3 2 1 | On my mark~3 2 1 |
我們見好就收吧 | That's leave with that. |
一旦我們…,就沒有回頭路了 | Once we…,there's no turning/going back. |
...,那就真的沒有回頭路了 | ..., there'll be no turning back. |
有些路走下去就不能回頭了 | Some roads you go down, you can't get back from. |
我相信我們達成共識了 | I believe we get consensus./I think we all on the same page. |
我們成功了 | We've arrived. |
好痛喔 | It's burning so bad. |
回答我啊! | Answer me! |
我不用回答你 | I don't have to answer to you. |
哈 找到了 | Ha~Here we go. |
我不會放過你的 | I'll hunt you down. |
別胡言亂語了 | That's crazy talk. |
我不認為我需要強調他的重要性 | I can not emphasize this strongly enough. |
我就說到這裡 | That's my final word. |
我看不出接下來還有什麼問題 | I don't see anything that could stand in our way. |
我們相信你能搞定的 | We have complete confidence that you can pull this off. |
你瘋了 | You are out of your mind. |
真的很難說出口 | This is so hard for me to say it. |
我不敢相信這居然發生了 | I can't believe this is happening. |
你正犯了一個大錯 | You are making a terrible mistake. |
有些事情是你不該知道的 | There are something you're not meant to know. |
如您所見 | As you can see,… |
我一直在想 | I was wondering,… |
我只想看看這樣行不行 | I just want to see if it could be done. |
事情就是這樣子 | That's how it works. |
你的資歷很完美 | I see your qualification is inpeccable. |
我帶你認識環境吧 | I introduce you around. |
你有發現重複的模式嗎 | Can you find the pattern here? |
往好處想 | (Look)On the bright side,… |
挫折感越來越深 | The frastration has been building up. |
大家開始逃走了 | People are bailing out. |
這對我們來說都不好受 | This isn't easy for either of us. |
你太野蠻了吧 | This is barbaric. |
我希望由你主導這個專案 | I like you to take the lead on this project. |
我來打頭陣 | I'll take the lead. |
…是最後一個才要做的事 | … is the last thing you do. |
謝謝你們都能過來 | Thank you all for coming. |
還有人想嘗嘗我的厲害嗎 | Any one else want to piss on me? |
你們可能已經知道了 | As you probably know,… |
學得很快喔 | Swift! |
這是個沒指望的人 | That is a dry hole. |
讓我們專心一點 | Let's stay focus "…,…,..." |
我不是來抱怨的 | I'm not here to complain. |
不過這都是過去式了 | But that's all in the past. |
你後來有想到你產品的名字嗎 | Did you ever come up with the name for your product? |
我想這應該沒什麼用 | I don't think this one's going to work. |
不擇手段…/…會不擇手段 | …by any means necessary./ (S+) Stop at nothing. |
他的客戶都是介紹來的 | His clients are by referral. |
很有吸引力 | It's a siren song. |
我們給他一點甜頭嚐嚐 | We give him just one little taste. |
而且就算這樣,萬一… | … And say.what if…? |
你在諷刺我嗎 | Is that sarcasm? |
只有一點點 | A mild amount. |
這件事比我們當初想的要難 | This is gonna be harder than we thought. |
我能再重申一遍… | Can I just reiterate that … |
你會沒事的 | You're gonna be fine. |
準時 | Right on schedule. |
大家冷靜 | Everybody chill out! |
我覺得我做這個越來越在行了 | I think I'm getting better at this. |
你比他們好多了 | You're better than they are. |
我們就快成功了 | We're right on the verge. |
他上鉤了 | He took the bait. |
真是天衣無縫 | It's really a seamless job. |
直接說重點好嗎 | Just skip to the last page,please. |
你到底是怎麼把事情搞砸的? | How the hell did you screw this up? |
告訴我你想要多少 | Tell me what figure you had in mind. |
你最好親自過來 | It better be you personally. |
就那麼簡單 | Simple as that. |
看來我錯過了什麼 | Looks like I missed something. |
好好說嗎! / 你想說啥? | Use your words. |
也許沒那麼糟 | Maybe it's not such a bad thing. |
幹的好 | That was a hell of a piece of work. |
聽著,事情是這樣的 | Listen,here's the thing. |
解決掉…這種人渣 | Getting rid of scum like… |
而弔詭的是… | And in a bizarre twist,… |
用低價拿到合約 | …underbid the contract. |
別讓我失望 | Don't dissapoint me. |
我會給你 | I'll have it for you. |
你確定你能處理…嗎? | Can you firm handle … |
恕我冒昧 | I took the liberty. |
煩人家 | Bend her ear. |
這座房子真像迷宮 | This house is a bloody maze. |
你從…開始就有點煩躁不安 | You've been a bit edgy since… |
你最好現在就走開 | You might want to take a walk about now. |
在午夜來臨時 | At the stroke of midnight |
我怎麼能拒絕呢 | How could I say no to that? |
讓我們融入大家吧 | Let's mingle. |
如果你不…你就完蛋了 | If you don't…,you're cooked. |
身材不錯 | Nice rack. |
你有什麼話好說嗎 | Got something to say about it? |
好,你說了算 | Okey,whatever you say. |
這不是你說了算的 / 這由不得你 | That's not up to you. |
很好! / 那好吧 / 很正常 | Fair enough. |
會犯這種錯誤很正常 | Easy mistake. |
但這次證據站在他那邊 | But this time the facts bear him out. |
線索指向哪裡? | Where does the trail lead? |
我派他們去打前鋒 | I sent them on ahead. |
我們不能一走了之 | We can't just leave. |
我是說認真的 | I meant every word of it. |
你今天看起來好極了 | You look splendid today. |
我應該怎麼做呢 | What am I supposed to do? |
我要說什麼好? | What am I supposed to say? |
我只是讓你清楚了解狀況 | I'm just giving you the lay of the land |
世道就是如此 | That's just the way it is. |
我沒多少時間沉浸在這不幸的事實裡 | I didn't have time to dwell on this unfortune situation. |
我也是這樣聽說的 | So I was told. |
她當時看起來欣喜若狂 | It wwas like she was floating on air. |
不重要 / 無關緊要 | Doesn't matter. |
我能單獨和你聊聊嗎 | Can I speak to you in private? |
我需要單獨和你談談 | I need to speak with you alone. |
我找到一個線索 | I've got a lead. |
繼續 | Keep it up. |
你覺得怎麼樣? | You have anything on this? / What do you say? |
不如我們一會兒敘敘舊吧? | What do you say we get together later and catch up? |
不如我們開她去兜個風吧! | What do you say we take her for a spin? |
接下來我們要怎麼做? | How do we do it? |
今天過得怎樣啊? | How was your day? |
平凡無奇 | Uneventful. |
今天過得不太好喔? | Rough day? |
有事情困擾你嗎? | Something bothering you? |
讓我想起我在…的日子 | Reminds me of… |
也許有點想家了 | Little homesick maybe. |
我等一下再跟你們聊 | I'll be with you in just one moment. |
我恐怕這不能等 | I'm afraid this can't wait. |
請給我們幾分鐘時間 | Please excuse us for a moment. |
有什麼問題嗎? | What seems to be the problem? |
這太無禮了 / 那太過分了! | This is outrageous. / That's outrageous! |
為什麼我沒有接到通知 | Why wasn't I informed? |
請稍等一下 | I gotta put you on hold. |
就像往常一樣 | As alwasys. |
我最好再去練習一下 | I better go practice. |
看到他沒有? | Any sign of him? |
他會不惜一切代價去… | He will do whatever it takes to… |
我不予許發生這一切 | I can't let that happen. |
- Jul 21 Sat 2012 14:22
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