i.e.: [Latin] id est (that is)in other words 念法:that is 意思:…,i.e.,… ….,也就是說/亦即/換句話說/就是…
e.g.: [Latin] exempli gratia (for example) 念法:for example 意思:例如 (重點:容易被誤用的”ex.”只有example的意思而沒有for,也就是文章中只要有”例如”的意思存在就不能用ex.)
ex rel.: [Latin] ex relatione (upon being related ; upon information) 念法: ㄟks瑞ㄛ/on the relation of 意思:依據告發,美國法律文件用語
et al.: [Latin] et alibi(and elsewhere) / et alia(and others) 念法: ㄟㄊㄟˇㄛˇ 意思:以及其他地方/以及其他人
etc: [Latin] et cetera (and the rest, and so forth) 念法:ㄟㄊ,ㄙㄟ,ㄊ,ㄖㄨㄚˇ 意思:等等
N.B./N.b./n.b.: [Latin] nota bene (note well, special attention should be paid to something) 念法:no他貝ㄋㄟˇ 意思:請注意
P.S.: [Latin] post scriptum (written after, a note appended to a letter after the signature) 念法:PS
vs./v.: [Latin] versus (against) 念法:verse
ca./c.: [Latin] circa (approximately, about) 念法:ㄙㄦ卡 意思:The antique clock is from c.1900.這個古鐘約來自1900年
cf./cp.: [Latin] confer /compare 念法:compare to 意思:using different techniques (cf. Wilson, 1999 and Ansmann, 1992) 使用不同的技術(比較1999的Wilson及1992的Ansmann著作)
FYI: for your information 意思:讓你知道有這件事
FYR: for your Reference 意思:提供資料給你參考
a.k.a.: also known as 意思:…就是一般我們所知的…
ASAP: as soon as possible 意思:盡快
RSVP: [French] répondez s'il vous plaît (please reply) 念法:RSVP 意思:不管你要不要都務必回信給我跟我說
CV: [French] curriculum vitae (resumé [French] ; a summary of your academic and work history)course of life 念法:curriculum V泰(ㄖㄨㄟㄖㄨˇ ㄇㄟˋ)
per se: in itself; for its own sake. Simply as such; in its own nature without reference to its relation. 念法:ㄆㄦˇㄙㄟˋ 意思:(他)本身(其實)
per annum: by the year; annually. 念法:ㄆㄦˇ Aㄋㄥˇ 意思:$500 per annum 每年五百元
pro rata: for the rate; proportionately. 念法:ㄆㄦˇㄖㄨㄚ塔 意思:(1)to be shared per rata 按比例分攤 (2)a pro rata increase in prices 價錢也相應的提高
per capita: [per head] Average per person; per unit of population; per person. 念法:ㄆㄦˇㄎㄟ匹塔 意思: per capita incomes 人均收入
per diem: [through a day] By the day; per day. 念法:ㄆㄦˇ頂m 意思:公司按日支付業務的交通費或請客戶吃飯的交際費
vice versa: [with position turned] The other way around, conversely. 念法:ㄈㄞㄙˇVer撒 意思: ,and vice versa. 反之亦然
de novo: [from the new] Over again, anew. 念法:底NoVo 意思:trial de novo 重新審案
alias: [otherwise] An assumed name. 念法:A李ㄜˇㄙ 意思:John Smith,alias DJ. 約翰史密斯化名為DJ
veto: [I forbid] Refusal of permission; to prevent or forbid authoritatively. 念法:Vㄊㄡˇ 意思:(1)the power of veto 否決權 (2)put a veto upon our staying out late. 禁止我們晚歸
erratum: error; mistake 念法:一ㄖㄨㄚㄊㄥˇ 意思:排版錯誤/打字錯誤/誤植/勘誤
in situ: [in the place] In the original place, appropriate position, or natural arrangement. 念法:音ㄙㄧˋ賭 意思:(1)Generated in situ.產生於反應過程中(重點:將待測目標置於原來的體系中檢測,不分離出來單獨檢測來得到較準確的數據) (2)in-situ conservation原地保育 (3)發生在原位置的生物試驗(重點:非活體內且不移入特殊培養基中)
in vitro: [in glass] In an artificial environment outside the living organism. An experimental or process methodology performed in a "non-natural" setting (e.g., in a laboratory using a glass test tube or Petri dish), and thus outside of a living organism or cell. 念法:營Vㄊㄖㄛˇ 意思:(1)人為控制環境下的細胞組織培養(重點:單純人工環境下) (2)in vitro fertilization 體外(人工)受精/在玻璃(試管)內受精/試管嬰兒
in vivo: [in life; in a living thing] Within a living organism. An experiment or process performed on a living specimen. 念法:營V一ˋVㄛˇ 意思:An in vivo experiment 完整未分離的活體臨床實驗(重點:完整活體內)
ex vivo: [out of living] 意思:(1)從生物體內取得細胞後離體培養,並可能會將(完成基因轉殖的)細胞輸回體內(重點:離體或有組織被移出體外) (2)對器官的組織在盡可能不改變自然環境下進行的離體實驗,例如:chick chorioallantoic membrane assay(用於研究體內血管生成模式的雞胚絨毛尿囊膜實驗)
in utero: [in the womb] 念法:營屋ㄊㄜˇㄖㄨㄛˇ 意思:(1)子宮內的(胚胎) (2)未出生的嬰兒
in silico: 使用電腦去模擬一些複雜的運作模式
A.D.: [Anno Domini] in the year of the lord 西元/公元/耶穌紀年
B.C.: Before Christ 西元前/公元前/主前
Cap.: [capitulus] chapter 念法:chapter 意思:Electronic Transactions Ordinance(Cap.553) 電子交易條例(第553章),常用於英屬法律章節前
ff.: [folio] and following 念法:and following 意思: see page 258ff. (請參見第258頁及接下去的幾頁)
id.: [idem] the same (man) 念法:He/上面那個人名 意思:同上,見上,用來避免(在引用、註腳、書目等處)重複某個男性作者的名字,常用於法律引注中。
ead.: [eadem] the same (woman) 念法:She/上面那個人名 意思:同上,用來避免(在引用、註腳、書目等處)重複某個女性作者的名字。
i.a.: [inter alia] among other things 念法: 意思:除了…以外
lb.: [libra] scales 念法:pounds 意思:磅
LL.B.: [Legum Baccalaureus] bachelor of laws 念法:bachelor of laws 意思:法(學)學士,此外法律學碩士為Master of Laws(LL.M.)、法律學博士為Doctor of Philosophy(Ph.D.)或Doctor of Juridical Science(J.S.D.)
M.A.: [Magister Artium] Master of Arts 念法:MA 意思:文科碩士,此外理學碩士為Master of Science(MS 或 MSc)、工程碩士為Master of Engineering(MEng)、商學碩士為Master of Commerce(MCom)或Master of Business(MBus)
op.cit.: [opere citato/opus citatum] the work cited 念法:op sit 意思:同之前舉的同一位作者,常用於參考文獻中。
ibid.: [ibidem] in the same place 念法:義比的 意思:請參考前一個作者和文獻出處/出處同上,代表該註腳的出處和前一個註腳的出處相同,讀者只要查前一個註腳得出處即可。
4.R. Poirer, "Learning physics," (Academic, New York, 1993), p. 4.
5.Ibid., p. 9.
6.T. Eliot, "Astrophysics," (Springer, Berlin, 1989), p. 141.
7.R. Builder, J Phys Chem 20(3) 1654-57, 1991.
8.Eliot, op. cit., p.148.= P.S.海風才疏學淺,若以上內容有誤或讀者認為有缺漏之處,請在下面留言告知,謝謝! =
a/c - 賬戶(account)
B/S - 資產負債表(Balance Sheet)
Bal c/d – 轉下期 (Balance carried down):將前存帶上- 通常在下一頁最上列將上頁小計帶上
Bal b/d – 承上期 (Balance brought down):將前存帶下-通常在該頁帳之最下列小計帶去下一頁
Bal c/f – Balance carried forward:同c/d
Bal b/f – Balance brought forward:同b/d
Dr - 借方(debit)
Cr - 貸方(credit)
G/L - 總分類帳(General Ledger);或 N/L - 名目帳項總帳(Nominal Ledger)
P&L - 損益(Profit & Loss);或 I/S - 損益表(Income Statement)
PP&E - 財產,工廠和設備(Property, Plant and Equipment)
TB - 試算表(Trial Balance)
- Feb 25 Tue 2014 02:40